Saturday, January 29, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

More Weird Signs

Using a toilet is a lot like beerpong: There are always funky house rules. Here are a few:

I guess this is one way to stop somebody from hogging the stall. "Door will open automatically." They sure aren't messing around.

Or, if someone is in that stall you can just yell!

Speaking of yelling...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Doggy Poo

There is a Korean animated movie called "Doggy Poo."

This is the movie poster. Its a story about an existential piece of dog shit, an innocent new arrival to this cruel cruel world.

The weirdest part is that I have actually seen this film. It used to be on Netflix instant streaming. Junior year was fun.

Here is one of the reviews from Netflix:

This movie is sappy and ridiculous. Theres a lot of crying. And I think the English dubbing must have been done by the Teletubbies. What am I bringing away from this film? Apparently dog dookie is pretty stupid, doesnt like being alone, cries a lot, perhaps has low self esteem. Dear Dookie, you can not be as pretty as a star or a dandelion. No, not yours. Way to go Koreans. Thank you for taking 30 minutes of my life.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Non Bathroom Related Weirdness

I check the stats every once in a while to see if anyone actually reads these posts. These are the stats for "today," broken down by country.

Did New Jersey secede from the union? Or did we kick them out? Please say we kicked them out.

PS: About half of those hits are just google images indexing my site from its various country affiliate websites. I like it because it makes me feel popular and internationally relevant.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Oceanside Transit Center

I did a strange little event today....basically a microbrewery crawl using a light rail system that I didn't even know existed in North County San Diego. The places we were going were about a mile away from the stops so there was a little bit of exercise involved as well. The journey started and ended at the Oceanside Transit Center. Here is a little peek of the bathroom there:

I told my buddy that there weren't any doors. He replied with "Oh, you mean the doors are broken/missing?" There never were doors here. And just in case you get any subversive ideas

Yeah, they thought of that too.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Out Of Town

So I spent my New Years in Connecticut meeting up with some of my suitemates from last year. Carter brought me the following gift from japan:

It had a bunch of absurd text on it in japanese, giving this little anthropomorphized turd a whole backstory and everything. Here is a picture of him out of the box

Can you guess why this product exists? Here it is in action

Yes, that's right: It's soap.